Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy 25th Aniv./Biggest Moments in Life.

1985 Oprah starred in well known movie "The Color Purple"

Sept. 8th 1986 Oprah had her first episode.

1987, Oprah went to Forsyth County, Georgia where she was supported behind racism which the town was 95% of whites.

In 1993 Oprah had the hightest rating episode by an apperrance of Micheal Jackson (R.I.P) viewed by 62 million.

1995. Winfrey admitted to media to usuing drugs due to a stressful relationship.

1997 Oprah plan was tired but renewed her contract in 2002.

1998 produced and stareed in the movie "Beloved"

2002 Oprah announced that she would retire on her 20th aniv. Show Sept. 8th 2006 but renewed her contract in 2004.

2002 Oprah launched O Magazine.

Celine Dion has been on the show 27 times,more than any other celebrity.

2004 season premeire show Oprah gave EVERYONE in her studio audience a Pontiac G6 (276)

Febuary 6th 2006 Oprah signed a three yr 55 million contract with XM satellite Radio to own her own station to braodcast her show.

2009. Dr. Oz was introduced on she show to help on important health issues.

25 seasons and 4561 episode later the longest running day time show.


  1. oh Oprah, what a legend!!!
    Lydz xX

  2. Found you through themashedup blog :)

    Oprah was such an icon for literally the last 15-20 years of my life. I grew up watching her...

    Sad to see her go

    if you have time come and say hello
